Paper Towel Roll DIY Pillow Boxes (DIY Gift Box Ideas)
DIY Pillow Boxes made from paper towel rolls are an interesting and inexpensive way to wrap gifts. There are so many items that can be found around the house to use to create unique gift wrap and DIY gift box ideas. Reused paper towel rolls, wrapping paper tubes, and even toilet paper rolls can be used to make pillow boxes accented with items you have on hand. Scraps of ribbon, buttons, newspaper and anything else you have laying around can create their fun little pillow boxes. Small gifts or candy can be placed in these adorable and easy-to-make treasures. These DIY Pillow Boxes are so easy to make and inexpensive to make. They can be small or even larger depending on the size of the paper tube used.
If you have ever had a small gift that wasn’t big enough to wrap and would get lost inside a gift bag with tissue, these pillow boxes are the solution. All types of presents could fit inside these beautiful little gift boxes. Fancy candy would fit inside these pillow boxes for an unexpected sweet treat.

Learn How to Make Pillow Boxes
- Paper Tubes (paper towel rolls, toilet paper rolls. wrapping paper rolls)
- Accents to decorate the pillow boxes (wrapping paper, fabric, ribbon, buttons, beads, yarn and pretty accents)
- Craft Glue
- Tape
- DIY pillow boxes can easily be created by cutting the size of the tube desired.
- Press in the ends on each side of the tube to create a pillow box.
- Use yarn, buttons, fabric, pom poms and anything else of interest to wrap around or add to the tube and glue. Just be creative and have fun with your accents.
- Insert the gift and use tape to seal each end to secure the gift inside.
Optional: Roll up the gift in decorative tissue paper before inserting it into the pillow box for an extra added touch.
I have a lot of fun making these paper pillow boxes and it is a good time to start creating them so they are ready for you when it is time to give a small gift. Since there are very few materials needed to perfectly accent these gift box ideas and as quick to make, they can easily be customized for each person to match their personality.
One of the years when I was a judge for the Annual Scotch Brand Most Gifted Wrapper Contest I was asked to volunteer my time to wrap gifts in Felissimo Design House in New York City to raise money Friends of Materials for the Arts. I wrapped with one of the Contest Winners and we created unique and interesting gift wrap designs for people using mainly reused items. Many people were so intrigued by our original designs that they would leave the gallery to buy more gifts so they could bring them back in time for us to wrap them. They loved our gift wrap designs because they looked more like pieces of art rather than traditional gift wrap and no two were the same. They were so excited to give these custom-wrapped gifts to their friends and family. I had such a great time at this event and met a lot of wonderful and creative people. It’s amazing how creativity and giving inspire so much positive energy in people.
We made a basket full of pillow boxes for people to buy and they were a huge hit. We couldn’t make them fast enough. Below are three of the pillow boxes I made for the fundraiser at the gallery. These pillow boxes that I made for this charity at the design house uses the same technique I described above.