How to Store Christmas Lights Tangle-Free (No More Detangling)

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How to Store Christmas Lights Tangle-Free

How to Store Christmas Lights Tangle-Free

If you haven’t packed up your Christmas decorations yet, here is a cheap and easy way how to store Christmas lights that will be tangle-free next time you need them! This technique uses empty wrapping paper rolls, and paper towel rolls! Using only these simple materials to store outdoor string lights you can eliminate the frustrating problem of tangled Christmas lights.

It is much more fun to decorate for Christmas than to dismantle everything. When taking down your holiday decorations, Christmas lights and string lights are sometimes put away piled up in a box to save time. When the Christmas lights are not stored properly, not only are they not going to be tangle-free next time you need them, they may get damaged and may need to be replaced.

For the set of my TV segments, videos, and blog posts, I use Christmas lights and LED Lights to illuminate my designs. I need to store them in such a way so they don’t get tangled. I created a cheap and easy way to store holiday lights and string lights that will be tangle-free the next time you need them!

Here is my easy and no-cost method and best way to store holiday lights to keep them untangled. Here is a video I made showing step-by-step instructions on how to store holiday lights.

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How to Store Christmas Lights Tangle-Free


Materials for How to Store Christmas Lights

  • Empty wrapping paper rolls (Paper tubes can easily be pulled out of wrapping paper roll.)
  • Scissors

  • Take an empty wrapping paper roll and cut a 1″ slit on both the top and bottom ends of the tube.

  • Fit the end of the lights just below the plug into the slot to secure. Tuck the plug into the opening of the tube.
    Winding Christmas LightsWinding Christmas Lights
  • Evenly wrap the lights around the tube, pushing up the wrapped cord to fill the gaps.Tuck plug into the tube
  • Wind the lights around the tube until the end. Fit the wire below the plug into the slot at the other end to secure. Tuck the plug into the opening of the tube.

    How to Store Christmas Lights

This method can also be used to store string lights and fairy lights.

How to Store Fairy Lights

Use a smaller paper tube such as a paper towel roll using the same steps listed above. 

These tubes can easily be stored and take up very little space. They can be leaned up against, wall or placed in a corner and the smaller ones can be placed in a drawer or box.

More Wrapping Paper Roll and Paper Towel Roll Crafts (Step-by-Step Tutorials)

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