Category: Everything

Mother’s Day Gifts

Since Mother’s Day is creeping up on us (Sunday, May 11th), I thought I would show some gift ideas of things that I love and also give as gifts. I think soothing gifts are always nice because moms are so busy taking care of the kids, they never have time… Read more

Mother’s Day Radio Interview

I just finished doing a Mother’s Day gifts radio segment for Working Mother Magazine to be aired this weekend. I had three, five minute segments talking about hand-made Mother’s Day gift ideas. Radio segments are so much fun! For some reason even though I do them from home and no… Read more

Healthy Chicken Asopao

I love a good hearty soup especial on a day like today when it is cold and snowy outside. Asopao is one of my favorite choices for a “stoup”…this is what I call it. It is too thick to be called a soup and has too much broth to be… Read more

New Year’s Gift Designs

I love New Year’s Eve! To me it is a celebration of both the past year’s events and the journey I will encounter in the coming year. I used to get all dressed up and hit the town but now I prefer to ring in the New Year at home,… Read more

Wrap Gifts using Recycled Items

If you haven’t wrapped your gifts yet or you haven’t bought wrapping paper try using household and recycled items to create beautiful gifts. Using things you already have can create inexpensive and unique gift wrap designs. Reusing is also great if you don’t feel like fighting the crowds just to… Read more

Beach Party Decorations

Happy Labor Day! Summer is not over yet and there is still time to create fun beach decorations for upcoming parties and barbecues. Here are some of my ideas I showed on WBAL using mostly dollar store and reused items. I always try and surprise the anchors with the way… Read more

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